
What is X-Wave?

BTL X-WAVE treatments are safe for patients of all ages and skin types who wish to complement another non-invasive body modeling procedure. It is an option for those who are looking for an aesthetic improvement without having to face the cost and recovery time that comes with surgery.

Is the procedure safe?

BTL X-WAVE meets strict safety standards. The procedure is based on the emission of vibrations located in the treated tissue.

How many treatments do you need?

Your BTL X-WAVE provider will offer you the ideal treatment plan for you based on your specific needs. You will need a series of treatments, usually between 4 and 6 sessions, for a few weeks.

What kind of results can I get?

The treatment contributes significantly to improve the overall texture of the skin. Patients claim to perceive visible improvements after a single session. Visit the section with the before and after photographs to see what the results may look like.

Are there any side effects or rest periods?

A rest period with BTL X-WAVE is not required. You can perform the treatment during the lunch break and resume your daily activities immediately.

How long will it take to see the results?

It depends on the treated area, the condition and other factors. It is possible to perceive visible improvements after a single session.

Will I have to modify my lifestyle or eat a specific diet?

BTL X-WAVE allows you to improve aesthetically, regardless of your lifestyle. You will not need to exercise or modify your eating habits.

What differentiates BTL X-Wave?

Unlike other technologies, BTL X-WAVE uses the power of localized mechanical vibrations.